Dear Inka,

Ho, ho, ho! It's me, Santa Claus, from the frosty realms of the North Pole! I've been watching over your Christmas preparations and, oh, what a wonderful job you've done!

Your heartwarming efforts in organizing the Secret Santa for your family have filled my old heart with joy.

I have some jolly news for you! Inspired by your creativity and dedication, my elves and I have been tinkering away in our workshop to create a special gift, just for you and everyone else who loves spreading holiday cheer. We're introducing a new "Secret Santa Service" at in this address! It will make organizing Secret Santa as easy as a reindeer's flight on a clear Christmas Eve.

This isn't just any service; it's crafted in the spirit of the more eco-friendly gift exchanges. It's our little way of making the world a bit greener, one gift at a time, just like you've always envisioned.

I hope our new service will help you in your next year's Christmas preparations.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With warmest wishes,

Santa Claus 🎅🌲🎁